Actualizaciones sobre la Medida T, en la boleta electoral de San Mateo 2024
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In 2024, San Mateo City Council unanimously voted to approve putting Measure T on the ballot, where it's passing is noted on our 2023-2031 Housing Element as one of the conditions of certification. Measure T will allow for focused development, which creates the opportunity for smarter long-term city planning and infrastructure investments.
Under Measure T, the City of San Mateo will continue it's long tradition of requiring 15% affordable housing unit allocation for all new builds of owned and rental properties. This is because San Mateo has a Below Market Rate Inclusionary Program which has been in place since 2010.
There's a lot to understand about how housing works in the State of California, the County of San Mateo, and the City of San Mateo - and more importantly, how all three of these entities work together. Stay informed about all the important puzzle pieces below!